Emmanuel Mounier

President of Unique Heritage Media


Edutainment. Learning through enjoyment … For UNIQUE HERITAGE MEDIA it is more than a formula or a marketing concept; it is a motto, our guiding principle, our ideal. We practice what we preach too! Our products allow young people and children to learn and have fun doing so, primarily because we take great joy in creating them. You only need visit our offices for an hour to see for yourself… If good humor is infectious, then our products are full of good vibrations. The youthful element is not only in our target audience, it is also in our daily state of mind.

Creating products that are as entertaining as they are intelligent is to challenge the status quo, in which quality often competes with affordability. UNIQUE HERITAGE MEDIA is living, vibrant proof that the contrary is possible. Quality, in both content and form, is a source of enrichment for the reader, as well as for the creator. It is a promise of trust and adhesion to the values of our brands. It will always pay to work well, with care, and with passion.

“The youthful element is not only in our target audience, it is also in our daily state of mind.”

At UNIQUE HERITAGE MEDIA our strength lies in the combination of an explorer’s curiosity and a builder’s drive. We seek to discover currently untouched lands to reach out to what we call “the new tribes”, that is to say the full diversity of tomorrow’s communities. Press media, multimedia, and services are transversal assets in achieving this goal. Supported by experienced brands and bold start-ups, we are forging our own way with confidence. Our ambition for the next generation is to transmit knowhow by knowing how to transmit it.
